Thursday, January 30, 2003

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may

I just told my boss that I was going to take off work tomorrow.
They laughed, not because i couldn't, but because its something i don't do.

"It's gonna snow tonight, for sure!" flurried from their mouths.

Let's adventure in the daylight hours for a change.


Is everything you do justified?
I don't care if I think the action is right or wrong, who's to judge? .. just if you can justify it.
"just because"
"um.. it's a habit."
.. are not acceptable.
Analyze everything.
How else will you learn?
I'm always testing you ...
"Remember that time we went bowling in Canada?"

... no, me either. lets be sure to correct that. It has to be something you would like to say as well, hm?

plan for the weekend:
- get involved in a game of blackjack with a millionaire corporate mega-villain (or maybe just one of his henchmen) with the lives of small countries on the line.
hmmmmm ...

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Frozen Through and Through

Vladimir Putin must not like being a house elf. It seems those angry russians are at it once again, going after Harry Potter, because their beloved president looks like Dobby.

A couple of interesting things I learned from Coast To Coast AM last night (really, this morning? ugh).
-There's a chance if he thinks not enough people will care, Dubya may drop the whole "People on Mars by 2010" scenario from his talk tonight. Why waste effort on something that won't get him elected, if the people don't care, he thinks. I personally don't see why he would drop something just because he's not getting enough emails in support, but those geeky scifi kids sure are worried.
-It is apparantly "Inevitable" that there will be a bio-terror attack of some sort either this week or next weekend. Isn't this said all the time? Whats to make this week more inevitable than the last... but just in case, I want to say I knew ahead of time.. suckers.

Of course that show is there just to feed the paranoia of the masses, so you know ...

Sunday, January 26, 2003

In Their Darkened Shrines


Dark Tranquillity
Napalm Death

Your weak minds may not be able to handle the brutality.. but I'm picking up tickets this week if anyone's interested. about $25...
With the advent of my OPETH hoodie (too bad you just missed a stupid pun), i am definitely looking forward to an SYL hoodie, something Ive wanted for a long time, but didnt get due to being unsure of my stance on hoodies. Well, you piece of crap, hoodies rule.. so another $35 will go down the pooper, unless of course the new logo isnt as sexy.. or something.