Saturday, June 21, 2003

went to texas


Friday, June 20, 2003

Francesco Dellamorte is your name, and killing
zombies is your game. Living at Buffalora
Cemetery, where the dead rise quite frequently,
you know how to take care of zombies. Yes, you
are definitely a bad ass. Too bad your sexy
model girlfriend is a zombie.

The Zombie Movie Survival Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

Sigh.. so true, so true...

Of course I know how to take out Zombies, I've seen a plethora of Zombie movies, I know how it goes down.

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Friday (13th): purchased headphones which broke upon first use

Saturday: driver's side window of car came off track and does not go up all the way
top shelf of closet just came crashing to the ground

Sunday: wonder what will happen next ...

.... Perhaps this is all just the universe evening itself out, because of all the great things that are about to come .... :rolls eyes:

Monday, June 09, 2003

Sad to say, those passengers were never able to make it to Disney World .....

don't ask me, it was Cara's dream...

Saturday, June 07, 2003

Now Playing: Queensryche - Tribe

oh yeaaaa!!!

and the concert keeps getting closer (....june 25....)

Friday, June 06, 2003

Thursday, June 05, 2003

The World Needs A Hero

But I can still do written blog entries too, eh? Maybe not for the best, but things have to be said sometime (though a picture says a thousand words).It's gross what an unchecked AOL email account can surmount to after a month (at least) spent in isolation. This is an open statement of apology for any of those hundreds of messages which may have been of importance, which were mass exterminated, that i overlooked (winning prize offers included). And then one day I open up Microsoft Paint and find a gap in my (not at all) busy schedule and see what it can do, and then this suddenly happens .. [Whatever this is] .. But the mind of those under the burden of employment function in a different style than that which is free, as is seen all too well. More time to (focus/waste) on the (intricacies/unimportance) of life. Let us see how this progresses until the end of the month. Hiatus. Departure from the norm, and heading to Texas. Adventure Awaits. ("they say the west is nice this time of year...that's what they say..")

.. ?

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Monday, June 02, 2003