Monday, March 31, 2003

dedicated to randomness ;P

Sunday, March 30, 2003

I was originally planning on going to JMU today to watch Wrestlemania .. but suddenly there's all this ..


I just don't know how I feel about that .
oh wait yes I do, I hate it. grrrrr.

Remember the TV show 'Out Of This World' ? I sure don't! Other than the theme song, and the general concept of the show, alien dad, time stopping.. but the title escaped me, glad that was solved.

a movie I never knew existed, and probably for the better......
Has anyone seen "THE NEVERENDING STORY part III" ??? as I'm told by Cara (who thought she had rented part 2, until noticing when she got home it was 3) it is a "horrible movie" a "disgrace" and incredibly cheaply done. BUT! .... apparantly Jack Black is in it!! HAHAH ... I want to see it so bad.. but yet, so don't want the experience of seeing it... how very torn. oh well, it WILL be rented, I can assure you!

I really want to find 'Return To Oz' though, that one is still eluding me ....

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

today's work is "breakfast day!" (the reason I needed donuts). Farewell for those getting fired .. something .. dunno.. but there's so much food! If I actually cared for most of the foods here I'd be more excited, but I'm content with my bagel. It is a little different watching someone fry up bacon and eggs in a cubicle.

Ha ha.. way to go Iraqis, leaving a building full of bio suits. I still say they're bluffing.

Way to go Greens. woo!
Show me where this guy is doing anything different than just taking information from the news. I don't want to read it all, so I'll just assume he's not real.

The Navy is enlisting dolphins and sealions into its services. I think that's awesome. Dolphins are smart enough not to bugger around with those mines, and they need entertainment.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003


find a birthday card.
buy donuts for work
take donuts to work
eat donuts at work

What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? .

Your name alone strikes fear into others; but maybe, just maybe, there's a little vulnerability and weakness beneath that stoic, fierce exterior of yours.

Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

hm, interesting.

I heard that Peter Parker has a bad back and if he isn't ready in time for Spiderman 2, they're going to use Donnie Darko instead. hmmmm.

or something along those lines.

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

I was so sure I would find a pigeon crammed somewhere into the grill of my car when I returned to the office today. I get so paranoid sometimes ...

My parents think the airport would profile me as a terrorist.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

It's Spring!

I wore a jacket to work this morning.

I am finally able to juggle outdoors in comfort.

This is such a contrast to yesterday.

Tuesday, March 11, 2003


you must not have heard me ... I said NO MORE SNOW!!!!!!

Note to self: burn mp3 cd

Monday, March 10, 2003

Tartar Sauce Insanity

There's logic behind this picture, just too much effort to go into here, its just too good to NOT blog. hahaha

Inspiration is attributed to my devil stickin' Texan friend Cara. : )

there's a series of these pics, actually ....
What kind of sicko gets off on stealing all the quarters and ONLY the quarters from all the cars in the driveway?? And the only night of the year I leave my car unlocked, too (I had a good reason)..... Heh.

Friday, March 07, 2003

and this is the calzone! ...mmmmmmmm

It has come to my attention that "Del" is a common nickname for Derick. I've never heard it used, and hmmm, not sure if I ever want to! ha ha..

I make rockin' calzones

and sopaipillas [pictured below]

It looks to me like they turned out tasty!

Thursday, March 06, 2003

found the "steam" issue on my car.... crack across the front of the radiator :(

Hmm.. I guess thats a bad thing.

No more driving it until it gets fixed, other than to the shop tomorrow to get the brakes replaced, I suppose..

I've got pics of all that crap leaking out after i poked at the crack, I'll try to post those later.
Saying there's "steam wisping" out from under the hood of my car, sounds a lot healthier than saying there's "smoke billowing" out from under it. I'd imagine these two states could look similar, so I'm opting for the optimistic route. Just steam, gentlemen... just steam.

Why is there hardly anyone (well, comparitively) at the office today? Its a thursday, usually mass take-offs happen on fridays... is there a holiday i'm unaware of???

'Cause I'm so lazy, I let the breadmachine do the kneading for me...
The Future Is Now!

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

I suddenly feel so proud about something... but I have no idea what it could be???? Huh?
I'm not insane, I'm not insane, I'm just smarter than you

I don't even think I like m&m's, but standing in front of the vending machine with a dollar bill in my hand and hunger in my stomach, I felt a need to choose from one of the sugary treats. The selling point on the m&m's was the contest stating "FIND ALL GOLD , WIN $50,000." And also something about a donation of 50,000 to the special olympics program in my state.. blah blah , whatever.... the regular olympics are special enough for me. So the m&m's aren't gold, I was fooled again by clever marketing, and the whole time staring at the snack machine I knew I would be suckered in, but I couldn't resist. They do their homework, those advertisers...

It would be such a tragedy to have multiple personalities, and one other than yourself commited some horrible crime. I'm aware you can be declared innocent due to insanity, but I would think in some instances those with multiple personalities could be considered completely sane and normal, by reason of they have their wits enough to know what is right and wrong. If one has to get locked up, the other goes with him, and the one enduring the sentence may not have even been the one to commit the crime. Hmmm... need to look what history has to say on this issue.

I had a dream last night, that I dropped my camera and it became a little smashed up. Still worked, but with dents. I woke up worried but found my camera completely intact. Good for me.

Monday, March 03, 2003

Squeeze Me Macaroni

To anyone that thinks Mr Bungle - California is one of the best albums ever, it seems the self-titled album is somehow even better. It took me a while to stop being creeped out by California's bizarro atmosphere, but the self-titled is even creepier in all its freaked out randomness.

Watch out Seattle, here comes an Earth Day to remember (eaaaaat youuuuur beeeeets ......)

My digital camera rules.

Decisions, decisions ... Two concerts I want to go to in June, one in Ohio , one in Germany ... hmmmmmmmm.

Thanks, bye.